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If the city where we are searching for your listing isn't your preferred location, you can easily change it within your Rankbreeze account. Follow these steps to update your city:

  1. Go to the "My Properties" page in your Rankbreeze account

  2. Click the "Rankings" button for the listing you want to update.

  3. Locate and click on the Settings Icon (⚙️) near the top of the page

  4. Under "City setting", type the name of your preferred search location and select it from the drop down list.
    If your city or area isn't listed, simply click the "Request a City" button to submit your request, and we'll update it on your behalf. Use the URL provided to verify the location

  5. Click on "Update Settings" and then confirm by clicking "OK"

After completing these steps, the new location will reflect in your Property Search Metrics Chart and a journal entry will be added to your A/B Testing section. 

We'll start collecting rankings data within 24 hours.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us on support@rankbreeze.com.