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In this article: 

  1. Overview

  2. Why It Matters

  3. Step-by-Step Walkthrough

  4. Pro Tips

  5. Optimization Strategy

  6. FAQs


Rankings Breakdown section

The Rankings Breakdown section offers a detailed calendar display of how your property ranks across different available booking windows (check-ins and check-outs) of your Airbnb calendar. It provides the exact position we found your listing at in search results for specified dates and guest counts.

Why It Matters

Understanding your property’s ranking for specific dates and viewing the competition situation allows making data-informed decisions per your open calendar time periods, to boost your listing's visibility and bookings.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Step 1: Access the Rankings Breakdown section

Log in to your Rankbreeze account. Navigate to “My Properties” page and click on “Rankings” button. Scroll down to the Rankings Breakdown section. It is the third section on this page.

How to Navigate to the Rankings Breakdown section

Step 2: Review your listing ranking

Note your listing’s position relative to the total number of properties listed (e.g., #2/209) per a particular guest count and a particular date period (check-in and check-out time).

Your listing ranking

Step 3: Dive into the interval details

Click Details to find info for a particular search interval and the guest count selected. 

Details button

Step 4: Analyze particular search interval landscape 

See minimum, maximum, average, and median prices, compare them with your nightly price. See the top-performing listings. 

Location Search Rankings detailed popup


Pro Tips

  • Perform a Spot Check: see your listing the way guests see it by using Open-City search in incognito mode.

    Open City-Wide Airbnb-Search
    City Airbnb Search popup

  • Visit your listing page within selected time interval and guest count: From the detailed view popup you can visit your Airbnb listing page, showing up within the selected time interval and guest count. Click an eye icon near your price to do that. 

See your listing with the matching guest count and date range

  • Check your competitors: see a collection of listings, that showed up on Airbnb along with your listing within the selected date range and for the same guest count. You can click on the names of those listings to visit their Airbnb pages.

    Listings that showed up on Airbnb along with your listing within the selectled date range and for this guest count

Optimization Strategy  

  • Periodic Checks: Regularly check your rankings during different seasons or major local events to adjust your strategy as needed.

  • Price Optimization: Compare your prices with those of top-ranked listings during similar intervals to ensure competitive pricing.


Q: How often is the Rankings Breakdown data updated?

A: The data is updated daily. Check frequently for the most current data.

Q: What does a ranking of "320+/320" mean?

A: This indicates that your property did not appear in the search results within the visible pages, suggesting a need for optimization.

Q: What is the Average Length of Stay Setting?    

A: This setting helps divide your calendar into date ranges. If you have the next 30 days available & your Average Length of Stay is set to 4 nights, we will display your rankings by 4 nights or less. Changes to settings take 24 hrs. to adapt. Read our article “Choosing Your 'Average Length of Stay' Setting” for more information. 

Q: What should I set as my Average length of Stay Setting (ALoS)?    

A: You should set it to average length of your guests' stay. i.e. if guests typically stay at your listing for 3 nights, you should set it to 3 nights. Please note that it needs to be higher than your highest minimum night stay setting.

Q: I checked on Airbnb and found my listing in a different position. Why?    

A: A lot of activity is happening on Airbnb; new listings are added some are being removed, bookings are being confirmed and cancellations are made. These activities in addition to others can cause rankings to bounce around. We provide a time stamp to let you know when we last collected the data.

Q: What location are you searching for my listing?    

A: We use the location specified in the Property Search Rankings Chart


Q: Can I change the location?    

A: Yes. To change your listings search location, please reach out to us on with the name of the location you want and the listing(s) you want changed.

Q: Why are my rankings bouncing around a lot?    

A: A lot of activity is happening on Airbnb; new listings are added some are being removed, bookings are being confirmed and cancellations are made. These activities in addition to others can cause rankings to bounce around. Pay attention to your trend. Make sure your highs are getting higher and you lows are also getting higher in the rankings charts.

Q: I've made a lot of changes, but they are not making any difference. What should I do?    

If changes to your property listing aren't yielding results, review and ensure all modifications were applied correctly and give them time to take effect. Utilize the Rankbreeze A/B testing tool to evaluate effectiveness, and consider seeking feedback from guests or consulting with property management experts. Adjust your strategies based on seasonal trends and ongoing data analysis to better align with market demands.

Effectively monitor and enhance their listing's performance on Airbnb, using the Rankings Breakdown in Rankbreeze.