Estimated Revenue

The Estimated revenue for the next 90 days is an estimate based on the listing's Occupancy rate and the Average Daily Rate. 

Occupancy Rate

The Occupancy Rate for the next 90 days is an estimate based on the listing's calendar.

When you use the "Get Listing Data" button for a listing, we check the next 90 days and provide an estimate based on the listing's calendar. We do our best to differentiate between booked and blocked nights however, like all estimates, it is not 100% certain which is why we show it as an estimate. 

Average Daily Rate

The Average Daily rate is the average nightly price of the listing's available/unbooked nights for the next 90 days 

Note: All the data provided using this feature looks ahead, not backward, so it can change if people book or cancel. Even though it's not set in stone like historical data, it still gives you a good idea of what a listing expects.