Discrepancies between your Rankbreeze rankings and manual searches on Airbnb cause unnecessary concern. At Rankbreeze, we understand the significance of keeping an eye on your listing's rankings and have the answers to put your mind at ease.

First and foremost, it's essential to remember that search engine rankings are highly dynamic. When you search on Airbnb, the results adapt based on a variety of factors, including your location, engagement behaviors & historical history.

The data you see in Rankbreeze is accurate at the time of collection, but keep in mind that it was collected from the previous day. 

Also, rankings in Airbnb are very dynamic. The rankings adapt based on real-time cancelations, clicks, reservations & more. Each second, a listing can jump several pages & we’ve seen this before through our research.

From the time that we search for your property, it is 100% correct at that moment in time.

In the Calendar Rankings Chart, we display rankings as an average for your convenience. This average is composed of searches using your Calendar's Open and Available Dates, as well as searches conducted for others in your area. This provides a comprehensive view of your property's performance across as many booking date ranges as possible.